A Step-by-Step Explanation of the Invisalign Process

March 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 10:50 pm
woman inserting Invisalign in Harker Heights

In past decades, the only option for straightening teeth was to be fitted with metal braces. Thankfully, orthodontics has come a long way, as patients can now achieve their dream smile with Invisalign in Harker Heights. What is Invisalign and how is it able to deliver the same results as braces? Continue reading to find out!


Keeping Your Heart Functioning Involves Healthy Gums

February 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 2:31 pm
woman talking to dentist in Harker Heights

February is American Heart Health Month, which is a period set aside to raise awareness about ways to improve cardiovascular health. This is also a great time to learn about the connection between gum health and the function of the heart. As you continue reading, a dentist in Harker Heights explains why it’s so important to properly care for your gums and lists the preventive measures you can take.


5 Ways to Achieve Excellent Dental Health in the New Year!

January 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 2:19 am
woman writing her New Year’s resolutions

If your New Year’s resolutions involve making improvements in your oral health, it will take the right plan and consistent effort to hit the mark. Thankfully, there is help available. As you continue reading, get 5 expert tips from your dentist in Harker Heights!


Electric vs. Manual Toothbrushes – The Pros and Cons of Each

December 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 12:09 am
woman smiling cleaning teeth with toothbrush

One of the cornerstones of excellent dental health is the act of brushing your teeth on a regular basis. That’s simple enough, right? Well, with so many products on the market, determining what to use can sometimes leave your head spinning. For example, you may be wondering whether to choose an electric or manual toothbrush. The truth is they both offer some pros and cons. Keep reading to learn about them, so you can make the decision that’s best for you!


Best and Worst Holiday Foods for Your Smile

November 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 10:28 pm

If you are like most people, one of the biggest things that you look forward to each holiday season is all of the delicious foods that come around during that time of year. However, just because some treats are good for the soul doesn’t mean that they are great for your teeth. That’s why caring for your smile during these winter months is more important than ever. Your dentist in Harker Heights shares some of the best and worst holiday foods for your smile so you can make smart decisions and maintain good oral health.


How Can Visiting the Dentist Help You Save Money?

October 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 9:30 pm
Piggy bank

It isn’t uncommon for people to neglect their regular dental visits. If you can brush your teeth at home and aren’t feeling any pain in the mouth, why should more time and money be spent on preventive care at the dentist? The truth is that you can save more money by seeing your dentist on a regular basis for a number of different reasons. Your dentist in Harker Heights explains how regular dental care can help you save your funds in the future.


5 Lies that Aren’t Fooling Your Dentist

September 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 5:32 pm
Man smoking cigarette

Many people have been known to stretch the truth a bit to their dentist. Whether you exaggerate on how much you floss or claim that you didn’t chip your tooth as a result of your ice chewing habit, plenty of people out there are guilty. However, these fibs aren’t usually effective. Your dentist in Harkey Heights isn’t as easily fooled as you may think. Continue reading to learn about which lies your dentist knows that you’re telling.


4 Useful Tips for Understanding Your Dental Insurance

August 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 6:44 pm
Dentist talking to patient about insurance coverage

If you are overdue for a routine cleaning or have a toothache that needs to be treated, you may have one important question on your mind: What does my insurance cover? However, after hours of sorting through paperwork and deciphering unfamiliar jargon, you may find yourself just as confused as when you started. Fortunately, a dentist in Harker Heights is sharing four tips to help you understand your dental insurance.


How Does Social Distancing Work in Dentistry?

July 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 4:25 pm
Social distancing with plastic barrier at dentist in Harker Heights

There have been many steps that you’ve been taking to keep yourself and others safe from contracting COVID-19. By avoiding public outings, working from home, wearing a cloth face covering, and frequently washing your hands, you’ve been doing your part in lowering the curve of cases. Your dentist in Harker Heights is doing his part too. Continue reading to learn more about how social distancing works in dentistry as well as other precautionary measures being taken to keep the office safe.


How Handwashing and Sanitizing Can Help Beat COVID-19

June 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — marketheights @ 10:29 pm
Dentist in Harker Heights washing their hands

A few months into 2020, our world changed. Milestone celebrations, birthday dinners, and weekend hangouts were all canceled in the name of infection control. While our daily lives continue to change as new information arises, the CDC remains adamant that proper hand hygiene is crucial in fighting the spread of this virus. However, for handwashing and sanitizing to be effective, both the frequency and technique need to be considered. Therefore, your dentist in Harker Heights is sharing everything you need to know about how proper hand hygiene can help keep you safe during COVID-19.

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